package main import ( "encoding/binary" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "math" "math/cmplx" "math/rand" "net" ) type UserError struct { msg string // description of error } func (e *UserError) Error() string { return e.msg } const ( G_I = 0 // Identity G_X = 1 // Pauli X-gate G_Y = 2 // Pauli Y-gate G_Z = 3 // Pauli Z-gate G_H = 4 // Hadamard gate G_R = 5 // R2 gate: rotate phase by 90 degrees G_P = 6 // Rotate phase by an angle specified in radians G_M = 7 // Measure in standard (Z) basis, and if 1, self-destruct ) var S float64 = math.Sqrt(0.5) var flag []byte var MATRICES = [6][2][2]complex128{ {{complex(1, 0), complex(0, 0)}, {complex(0, 0), complex(1, 0)}}, {{complex(0, 0), complex(1, 0)}, {complex(1, 0), complex(0, 0)}}, {{complex(0, 0), complex(0, -1)}, {complex(0, 1), complex(0, 0)}}, {{complex(1, 0), complex(0, 0)}, {complex(0, 0), complex(-1, 0)}}, {{complex(S, 0), complex(S, 0)}, {complex(S, 0), complex(-S, 0)}}, {{complex(1, 0), complex(0, 0)}, {complex(0, 0), complex(0, 1)}}, } func apply_gate(state [4]complex128, matrix [2][2]complex128, wire bool, controlled bool) [4]complex128 { var result [4]complex128 // I could carefully parameterize this. Or I could be a lazy bum! if wire && controlled { result[0] = state[0] result[2] = state[2] result[1] = matrix[0][0]*state[1] + matrix[1][0]*state[3] result[3] = matrix[0][1]*state[1] + matrix[1][1]*state[3] } else if wire { result[0] = matrix[0][0]*state[0] + matrix[1][0]*state[2] result[2] = matrix[0][1]*state[0] + matrix[1][1]*state[2] result[1] = matrix[0][0]*state[1] + matrix[1][0]*state[3] result[3] = matrix[0][1]*state[1] + matrix[1][1]*state[3] } else if controlled { result[0] = state[0] result[1] = state[1] result[2] = matrix[0][0]*state[2] + matrix[1][0]*state[3] result[3] = matrix[0][1]*state[2] + matrix[1][1]*state[3] } else { result[0] = matrix[0][0]*state[0] + matrix[1][0]*state[1] result[1] = matrix[0][1]*state[0] + matrix[1][1]*state[1] result[2] = matrix[0][0]*state[2] + matrix[1][0]*state[3] result[3] = matrix[0][1]*state[2] + matrix[1][1]*state[3] } return result } func measure_wire(state [4]complex128, wire bool) [4]complex128 { prob_zero := cmplx.Abs(state[0]) * cmplx.Abs(state[0]) if wire { prob_zero += cmplx.Abs(state[1]) * cmplx.Abs(state[1]) } else { prob_zero += cmplx.Abs(state[2]) * cmplx.Abs(state[2]) } if rand.Float64() < prob_zero { var result [4]complex128 result[0] = state[0] / complex(math.Sqrt(prob_zero), 0) result[3] = complex(0, 0) if wire { result[1] = state[1] / complex(math.Sqrt(prob_zero), 0) result[2] = complex(0, 0) } else { result[1] = complex(0, 0) result[2] = state[2] / complex(math.Sqrt(prob_zero), 0) } return result } else { panic(UserError{"BOOM!"}) } } func measure_final(state [4]complex128) int { var so_far float64 = 0 actual := rand.Float64() for i := 0; i < 4; i++ { so_far += cmplx.Abs(state[i]) * cmplx.Abs(state[i]) if so_far >= actual { return i } } panic(UserError{"Bad probability?"}) } func handle_connection(conn net.Conn) { defer func() { e := recover() if e != nil { if uerr, ok := e.(UserError); ok { fmt.Println(uerr.Error()) conn.Write([]byte(uerr.Error())) } } conn.Close() }() bombs := make([]bool, 14*8) for ix := range bombs { bombs[ix] = (rand.Intn(2) == 1) } for { command := make([]byte, 2) io.ReadFull(conn, command) num_gates := uint16(command[1]) + 256*uint16(command[0]) if num_gates == 0 { break } state := [4]complex128{complex(1, 0), complex(0, 0), complex(0, 0), complex(0, 0)} for i := uint16(0); i < num_gates; i++ { gates := make([]byte, 1) io.ReadFull(conn, gates) gate := gates[0] primary_wire := (gate & 0x80) != 0 var gate_id byte var controlled bool if (gate & 0x7F) < 0x70 { controlled = false if bombs[gate&0x7F] { gate_id = G_M } else { gate_id = G_I } } else { controlled = (gate & 0x08) != 0 gate_id = (gate & 0x07) } if gate_id == G_M { // Can't control a measurement! Ignore 'controlled' flag state = measure_wire(state, primary_wire) } else { var matrix [2][2]complex128 if gate_id == G_P { // Phase gate in radians bytes := make([]byte, 8) io.ReadFull(conn, bytes) bits := binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(bytes) imag_part := math.Float64frombits(bits) factor := cmplx.Exp(complex(0, imag_part)) matrix = [2][2]complex128{{complex(1, 0), complex(0, 0)}, {complex(0, 0), factor}} } else { matrix = MATRICES[gate_id] } state = apply_gate(state, matrix, primary_wire, controlled) } } res := byte(measure_final(state)) conn.Write([]byte{res}) } guess := make([]byte, 14) io.ReadFull(conn, guess) for ix, g := range guess { for i := 0; i < 8; i++ { var theirs bool = (g & (0x01 << uint16(7-i))) != 0 var ours bool = bombs[ix*8+i] if theirs != ours { panic(UserError{"WRONG"}) } } } conn.Write(flag) conn.Close() } func main() { key, err := ioutil.ReadFile("flag.txt") if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Println(string(key)) flag = key if len(flag) > 50 { panic(UserError{"this doesn't happen"}) } listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "") if err != nil { panic(err) } defer listener.Close() fmt.Println("Ready to rumble.") for { conn, err := listener.Accept() if err != nil { panic(err) } go handle_connection(conn) } }