This challenge required solvers to perform a related message attack on RSA. The task description is as follows:
Two agents, Alex and Jane, have simultaneously known very secret message and transmitted it to Center. You know following:
- They used RSA with this (see below) public key
- They sent exactly the same messages except the signatures (name appended, eg. “[message]Alex”)
They did encryption this way:
c, = pubKey.encrypt(str_to_num(message), 1) # using RSA from Crypto.PublicKey c = num_to_str(c).encode('hex')
And here are cryptograms you have intercepted:
ce5d991e841d180c 95b9fc15576f2ada 0bc619cfb991cddf c51c4dcc5ecd150d 7176c835449b5ad0 85abec38898be02d 2749485b68378a87 42544ebb8d6dc45b 58fb9bac4950426e 3383fa31a9337184 47decc5545a7105d cdd381e82db6acb7 2f4e335e244242a8 e0fbbb940edde3b9 e1c329880803931c”
6c7c4546e9ec0d42 77344ac118dc21ba 4205a3451e1a7e36 ad3f8c2a566b9402 75cb630c66d95b1f 97614c3b55af8609 495fc7b2d732fb58 a0efdf0756dc917d 5eeefc7ca5b48061 58ab87f4f447139d 1daf4845e18c8c71 20392817314fec0f 0c1f248eb31af153 107bd9823797153e 35cb7044b99f26b0” Now tell me that secret message! (The answer for this task starts from ‘ructf_‘)
The public key was given as
-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIGeMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GMADCBiAKBgQCjX+QVVbBrI812miqtd8rTo9qm p23nWRyLjyga+lElKX+xBUE4f4uZjS/Rp2Eg3RRygaxSCOpS0+ytHj58q1wNskfd +HzYrcOtE7+1ceJtLhf/okKagLfp299AVIRf0iQq4HH+GhldKJAO2kBdo+k3yinf 8oTgUow9tRDeqcczvwICMAE= -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
which decodes to
$n$ =
a35fe41555b06b23 cd769a2aad77ca d3a3daa6a76de759 1c8b8f281afa512529 7fb10541387f8b99 8d2fd1a76120dd14 7281ac5208ea52d3 ecad1e3e7cab5c0d b247ddf87cd8adc3 ad13bfb571e26d2e 17ffa2429a80b7e9 dbdf4054845fd224 2ae071fe1a195d28 900eda405da3e937 ca29dff284e0528c 3db510dea9c733bf $e$ =
Let’s try to collect potentially useful information. We know…
Some quick Google-Fu yielded the paper “Low-Exponent RSA with Related Messages” (D. Coppersmith et al.) that describes an attack on settings like these. It says, among other things (note that the following talks about $e=5$, $\delta=1$):
Let $z$ denote the unknown message $m$. Then $z$ satisfies the following two polynomial relations:
\[\begin{eqnarray*}z^5-c_1 = 0\mod N \\ (z+1)^5-c_2 = 0\mod N\end{eqnarray*}\]where the $c_i$ are treated as known constants. Apply the Euclidean algorithm to find the greatest common divisor of these two univariate polynomials over the ring $\mathbb Z/N$:
\[\gcd(z^5-c_1, (z+1)^5-c_2)\in\mathbb Z/N[z]\text.\]This should yield the linear polynomial $z-m$ (except possibly in rare cases).
This means: Assuming the given ciphertexts are not an instance of “rare cases”, the greatest common divisor $d\in(\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z)[X]$ of $X^e-c_0$ and $(X+\delta)^e-c_1$ equals $X-m$ multiplied by some constant in $\mathbb Z/n\mathbb Z$ (as $d$ is only unique up to multiplication by units). Dividing $d$ by its lead coefficient will result in $X-m$.
Using my Python algebra library (that, by the way, only came into existence while solving this challenge since I was unable to find packages that could properly handle polynomials over arbitrary rings), the required computation is easily implemented:
from algebra.ring.algorithm import euclid
from algebra.ring.mod import mod
from algebra.ring.poly import poly
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
import binascii
with open('', 'rb') as f:
key = RSA.importKey(
c0 = int('61be5676e0f8311dce5d991e841d180c95b9fc15576f2ada0bc619cfb991cddfc51c4dcc5ecd150d7176c835449b5ad085abec38898be02d2749485b68378a8742544ebb8d6dc45b58fb9bac4950426e3383fa31a933718447decc5545a7105dcdd381e82db6acb72f4e335e244242a8e0fbbb940edde3b9e1c329880803931c', 16)
c1 = int('9d3c9fad495938176c7c4546e9ec0d4277344ac118dc21ba4205a3451e1a7e36ad3f8c2a566b940275cb630c66d95b1f97614c3b55af8609495fc7b2d732fb58a0efdf0756dc917d5eeefc7ca5b4806158ab87f4f447139d1daf4845e18c8c7120392817314fec0f0c1f248eb31af153107bd9823797153e35cb7044b99f26b0', 16)
delta = int(binascii.hexlify(b'Jane'), 16) - int(binascii.hexlify(b'Alex'), 16)
Zn = mod(key.n)
ZnX = poly(Zn)
delta = Zn(delta)
#f = ZnX.X ** key.e - ZnX(R(c0)) #exponentiation is slow...
f = ZnX([] * key.e + [], 'little') - ZnX(Zn(c0), 'little')
#g = (ZnX.X + ZnX(delta)) ** key.e - ZnX(Zn(c1)) #exponentiation is slow...
gs = [delta ** key.e]
for k in range(key.e):
gs.append(Zn(key.e - k) / (Zn(k + 1) * delta) * gs[-1])
g = ZnX(gs, 'little') - ZnX(Zn(c1))
d = euclid(f, g)[0]
d /= ZnX(
Some tests with smaller constants suggested the program would run pretty long, but as there was plenty of time left, I gave it a shot. About an hour later, the solver printed the flag:
$ ./
b'The key is RUCTF_StandBackImGonnaDoMath. Alex'