SharifCTF 2016: crypto350 "British Elevator" writeup

After noticing this challenge was about elliptic curves, I could not resist having a try at it. The “description” consisted of the following data:

p = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411511252189319
A = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411507861094535
B = 77986137112576
E: y^2 = x^3 + Ax + B over GF(p)
P = (5732560139258194764535999929325388041568732716579308775, 14532336890195013837874850588152996214121327870156054248)
Q = (2609506039090139098835068603396546214836589143940493046, 8637771092812212464887027788957801177574860926032421582)
Q = secret * P
flag = secret

Hence the task is simply to compute the (discrete) logarithm of Q with base P on an elliptic curve E given by a Weierstraß equation E:y2=x3+Ax+B.

This problem is generally infeasible in reasonable time for curves over prime fields as large as p, hence we suspect the curve is particularly badly chosen. sage confirms this assumption:

sage: p = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411511252189319
sage: A = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411507861094535
sage: B = 77986137112576
sage: E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [0, 0, 0, A, B])
sage: E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411507861094535*x + 77986137112576 over Finite Field of size 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411511252189319
sage: E.order()
sage: E.order() == p

The order of E is exactly the order of the base field p, hence the additive transfer attack, also known as “Smart-ASS attack” or “anomalous curve attack”, applies. We follow the paper The discrete logarithm problem on elliptic curves of trace one by Nigel Smart.

In short, it says that logPQ is the p0-coefficient of the quotient ψp([p]Qp)/ψp([p]Pp) of the p-adic elliptic logarithms of the p-multiples of p-adic lifts Qp,Pp of the points Q and P. Phew, that’s quite a mouthful. Let’s have a look at the individual steps:

  1. We can easily interpret E as an elliptic curve Ep over the p-adic numbers Qp since this is a complete discrete valuation ring with residue field Fp. To lift a point on E to Ep, we need to lift one coordinate and compute the other. Fortunately sage has an implementation of square roots for p-adics, hence we may simply lift x to an element of Qp (by taking any representant of x in Z and interpreting that as an element of Qp) and compute y:=x3+Ax+B. Of course there are, in general, two square roots, only one of which has p0-coefficient equal to the y-coordinate of P: We need to pick that one in order to get the sign of the logarithm we eventually want to compute correct.
  2. Once we have points Pp and Qp on Ep which reduce to P and Q on E, that is, modulo p, we can just compute [p]Pp and [p]Qp on Ep using the usual point addition formulas.
  3. The rest is unexpectedly easy (in practice): sage has an implementation of the formal group including its formal logarithm. That logarithm is a power series with coefficients in Qp with the very nice property that it yields a group homomorphism from a subgroup E1(Qp) of Ep (in which [p]Pp and [p]Qp are included by construction) to the additive group (Qp,+): Letting f denote said power series, this homomorphism is given by ψp:E1(Qp)Qp,(x,y)f(x/y).
    (Strictly speaking, we should now be checking if ψp is injective as this would guarantee that our final logarithm is correct, but in practice it works just fine.)
    Therefore we may transfer the problem of computing logPpQp to (Qp,+), in which “logarithms” are just division. Of course, there may be many different lifts of P and Q to Ep which yield different logarithms, but all of these logarithms have the same p0-coefficient since the lifts come from the same points on E.

Finally, here’s an implementation producing the solution:

#!/usr/bin/env sage

p = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411511252189319
A = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411507861094535
B = 77986137112576
xP = 5732560139258194764535999929325388041568732716579308775
yP = 14532336890195013837874850588152996214121327870156054248
xQ = 2609506039090139098835068603396546214836589143940493046
yQ = 8637771092812212464887027788957801177574860926032421582

E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [0, 0, 0, A, B])
assert E.order() == p

Qp = Qp(p, 2)
Ep = EllipticCurve(Qp, [0, 0, 0, A, B])

yPp = sqrt(Qp(xP) ** 3 + Qp(A) * Qp(xP) + Qp(B))
Pp = Ep(Qp(xP), (-yPp, yPp)[yPp[0] == yP])

yQp = sqrt(Qp(xQ) ** 3 + Qp(A) * Qp(xQ) + Qp(B))
Qp = Ep(Qp(xQ), (-yQp, yQp)[yQp[0] == yQ])

print('Pp = {}'.format(Pp))
print('Qp = {}'.format(Qp))
print('-' * 40)

lQ = Ep.formal_group().log()(- (p * Qp)[0] // (p * Qp)[1]) / p
print('log(Q) = {}'.format(lQ))
lP = Ep.formal_group().log()(- (p * Pp)[0] // (p * Pp)[1]) / p
print('log(P) = {}'.format(lP))
print('-' * 40)

e = lQ / lP
print('e = {}'.format(e))

assert e[0] * E(xP, yP) == E(xQ, yQ)

print('\n--> FLAG: {:d}\n'.format(e[0]))