After noticing this challenge was about elliptic curves, I could not resist having a try at it. The “description” consisted of the following data:
p = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411511252189319
A = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411507861094535
B = 77986137112576
E: y^2 = x^3 + Ax + B over GF(p)
P = (5732560139258194764535999929325388041568732716579308775, 14532336890195013837874850588152996214121327870156054248)
Q = (2609506039090139098835068603396546214836589143940493046, 8637771092812212464887027788957801177574860926032421582)
Q = secret * P
flag = secret
Hence the task is simply to compute the (discrete) logarithm of Q
with base
on an elliptic curve E
given by a Weierstraß equation
This problem is generally infeasible in reasonable time for curves over prime
fields as large as sage
confirms this assumption:
sage: p = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411511252189319
sage: A = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411507861094535
sage: B = 77986137112576
sage: E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [0, 0, 0, A, B])
sage: E
Elliptic Curve defined by y^2 = x^3 + 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411507861094535*x + 77986137112576 over Finite Field of size 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411511252189319
sage: E.order()
sage: E.order() == p
The order of
In short, it says that
has an implementation of square roots for
has an implementation of
the formal group including its formal logarithm. That logarithm is a power
series with coefficients in Finally, here’s an implementation producing the solution:
#!/usr/bin/env sage
p = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411511252189319
A = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411507861094535
B = 77986137112576
xP = 5732560139258194764535999929325388041568732716579308775
yP = 14532336890195013837874850588152996214121327870156054248
xQ = 2609506039090139098835068603396546214836589143940493046
yQ = 8637771092812212464887027788957801177574860926032421582
E = EllipticCurve(GF(p), [0, 0, 0, A, B])
assert E.order() == p
Qp = Qp(p, 2)
Ep = EllipticCurve(Qp, [0, 0, 0, A, B])
yPp = sqrt(Qp(xP) ** 3 + Qp(A) * Qp(xP) + Qp(B))
Pp = Ep(Qp(xP), (-yPp, yPp)[yPp[0] == yP])
yQp = sqrt(Qp(xQ) ** 3 + Qp(A) * Qp(xQ) + Qp(B))
Qp = Ep(Qp(xQ), (-yQp, yQp)[yQp[0] == yQ])
print('Pp = {}'.format(Pp))
print('Qp = {}'.format(Qp))
print('-' * 40)
lQ = Ep.formal_group().log()(- (p * Qp)[0] // (p * Qp)[1]) / p
print('log(Q) = {}'.format(lQ))
lP = Ep.formal_group().log()(- (p * Pp)[0] // (p * Pp)[1]) / p
print('log(P) = {}'.format(lP))
print('-' * 40)
e = lQ / lP
print('e = {}'.format(e))
assert e[0] * E(xP, yP) == E(xQ, yQ)
print('\n--> FLAG: {:d}\n'.format(e[0]))