hxp 38C3 CTF: suboptimal_pwning

PWN (667 points, 6 solves)

This post discusses the solution for the suboptimal_pwning challenge.

hxp 38C3 CTF: hack4

PWN (417 points, 15 solves)

This post discusses the solution for the hxp_silicon_foundaries_hack4 challenge.

hxp 38C3 CTF: yasashiimon

REV (714 points, 5 solves)

Here we explain the solution for the reversing challenge yasashiimon from our recent CTF.

The challenge is about a malicious emulator patching the game.

hxp 38C3 CTF: hack1, hack2, hack3

hack1: MSC, CRY (625 points, 7 solves)
hack2: MSC, PWN (769 points, 4 solves)
hack3: PWN, MSC (833 points, 3 solves)

This is a writeup covering the challenges hack1, hack2, hack3 as all three are similar.

hxp 38C3 CTF: wreckme_again

REV (667 points, 6 solves)

Here we explain the intended solution for the reversing challenge wreckme_again from our recent CTF.

hxp 38C3 CTF: Fajny Jagazyn Wartości Kluczy

WEB (556 points, 9 solves)

Here we explain the intendet solution for the web challenge Fajny Jagazyn Wartości Kluczy from our recent CTF.

The challenge is about exploiting a race condition in Go.

hxp 38C3 CTF: phpnotes

WEB (625 points, 7 solves)

Here we explain the intended solution for the web challenge phpnotes from our recent CTF.

This challenge consisted of a PHP frontend and two Python backends for a simple note-taking application. Some PHP quirks lead to request smuggling, and unexpected (?) Unicode normalization gives us the flag.

hxp 38C3 CTF: HaRlEm ShAkE

REV, MSC (500 points, 11 solves)

Here we explain some solutions for the reversing challenge HaRlEm ShAkE from our recent CTF.

It is a Rust binary using x11rb to move around windows on the screen and display a flag in plain sight.

hxp 38C3 CTF: NeedForSpeed

MSC (667 points, 6 solves)

Here we explain the intended solution for the misc challenge NeedForSpeed from our recent CTF.

The challenge focuses on unsecure default behavior when not explicitly setting no_subtree_check.

hxp 38C3 CTF: alcoholic_variety writeup

CRY (909 points, 2 solves)

Here we explain the intended solution for the cryptography challenge alcoholic_variety from our recent CTF.

The goal of the challenge was to solve a discrete-logarithm problem on a mysterious abelian variety given in terms of its addition formulas in a high‑dimensional projective space over a finite field.

Announcing hxp 38C3 CTF

hxp CTF 2022: shadertoy_plus_plus

Who doesn’t love shadertoy? https://www.shadertoy.com/view/cdG3WW

Teams are provided with a ShaderToy-like service which accepts GLES3.1 Compute shaders. Clients need to find a “0day” in the two main libraries — Google’s ANGLE and SwiftShader — and exploit it to pop a shell.

hxp CTF 2022: one_byte writeup

In this challenge, you could write one byte to an arbitrary kernel address (even those marked read-only, as long as it is not mapped as executable). This leads to a full compromise of the kernel, even without a KASLR leak.

hxp CTF 2022: tex_based_adventure writeup

This challenge was a text-based adventure game implemented in LaTeX3 (maybe known to some as expl3). The goal is simple: to get the flag, win the game.

hxp CTF 2022: the_swirl writeup

Here we explain the intended solution for the cryptography+reversing challenge the_swirl from our recent CTF, which no team managed to solve during the competition.

The goal of the challenge was to break a Ring‑LWE key-encapsulation mechanism (KEM) by exploiting leakage from a botched NTT‑based implementation of the multiplication in the underlying polynomial ring $R = \mathbb F_q[X]/(X^{256}+1)$, where $q=11777$.

hxp CTF 2022: not_csidh (pseudo)writeup

Here's a very short summary of the ideas behind the cryptography challenge not_csidh from our recent CTF. I wanted to get this out soon after the end of the CTF, but I didn't manage to finish a proper writeup in time, so it's bullet points for now (or maybe forever, depending on how things go 😬).

hxp CTF 2022: sequoa writeup

The goal of the cryptography challenge sequoa from our recent CTF was to break the post‑quantum signature scheme SEQUOA introduced very recently in ePrint 2023/318; the paper only appeared online about a week prior to the CTF.

hxp CTF 2022: Secure Flag Dispenser

We’re given a dispense binary and some captured traffic.

hxp CTF 2022: browser_insanity writeup

The challenge targets the WebView browser in the KolibriOS project. The KolibriOS user (infra) will visit an html page you provide. The goal is to provide a crafted page which exploits a “0day” vulnerability to exfiltrate the flag at /hd0/1/flag.txt.

What may make it tricky is that everything is implemented in x86-32 FASM assembly and C–.

hxp CTF 2022: hypersecure writeup

The challenge implements a hypervisor (HV) based on AMD SVM 1 to sandbox a 4K-large program. The goal is to escape the sandbox (VM-escape), and then read the flag.

hxp CTF 2022: required

Writeup of challenge required of our recent CTF.

While solving BalsnCTF 2022’s 2linenodejs (writeup) we realized that prorotype pollution in NodeJS is more like a “feature” and less like a “bug”. What are “bugs” anyways? Right, just undiscovered features.

So let’s use this newly discovered feature and secureobfuscate some softwarestuff.

hxp CTF 2022: sqlite_web

Writeup for challenge sqlite_web of our recent CTF.

We have a docker containing the newest version of sqlite-web, a web-based SQLite database browser with the crypto SQL extension from sqlean.

hxp CTF 2022: valentine

Writeup of challenge valentine from our recent CTF.

Inspired by https://eslam.io/posts/ejs-server-side-template-injection-rce/, who was able to exploit the ejs templating engine using prototype pollution. But this was fixed in ejs 3.1.7. Let’s investigate the current release.

hxp CTF 2022: archived writeup

Writeup to the zero-day challenge archived of our recent CTF targeting Apache Archiva, version 2.2.9. The vulnerability of this challenge got CVE-2023-28158.

SECCON CTF 2022 Quals

This was a great CTF and we hacked some stuff. Here’s a relatively small subset of how.

Looking forward to the finals! 🇯🇵

Insomni'hack 2022: PDF-Xfiltration

misc (451 points, 3 solves)

A task about why JavaScript in PDFs is a bad idea.

hxp CTF 2021: zehn writeup

This task is about determinism of ASLR as implemented by the Linux kernel (in early 2022): One of the mechanisms to obtain an aslr’d piece of memory is via the mmap system call which, (un)fortunately, allocates memory at predictable relative distances from each other. The task description gave a link to a proposed patch set remedying the issue by introducing a randomize_va_space level 3 for full randomization, but so far it hasn’t been adopted.

hxp CTF 2021: gipfel/kipferl/zipfel writeup

Here's a somewhat late writeup for the three-stage crypto composition gipfel/kipferl/zipfel from our recent CTF.

The overall goal in all three challenges was to break a password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocol inspired by SPEKE. The core idea is simple: Do Diffie–Hellman as usual, but with a generator that's derived from a pre-shared key ("the password"), and add a key-confirmation stage.

In all three stages, the key step of the solution was to reduce the problem to offline bruteforcing of the (short, numeric) password.

hxp CTF 2021: includer's revenge writeup

As promised here is a writeup of the includer’s revenge challenge exploiting the additional fastcgi_buffering / readfile local file inclusion vulnerability.

hxp CTF 2021: counter writeup

As all teams seem to have gone the “hard” way (using the nginx techniques described in our latest blog post) to solve the counter challenge, we decided to also publish a writeup about how the easier way of solving the medium LFI task works.

The end of PHP LFI challenges (?)

This may be the moment you have all been waiting for. After years of suffering [1,2,3,4,5], hxp is proud — and relieved — to announce that there may finally be light at the end of the tunnel.

It took the CTF community a few iterations of LFI challenges with ever-increasing levels of absurdity, but it appears “Peak LFI” has, at last, been reached: The point where (even with various attacker-friendly features like file uploads, sessions, and temporary files turned off) a web server running only the single line of PHP

<?php include_once($_GET['file']);

is vulnerable to remote code execution.

Thank you and congratulations to pasten, Super Guesser and p4 for also discovering this issue and additionally demonstrating that it’s remotely exploitable in both the includer’s revenge and counter challenges. Also, thanks for the great discussions on IRC and especially the force (love - visible here) pasten applied to extract the flags from our servers.

hxp CTF 2021: indie_vmm writeup

This challenge gives root access to a virtual machine hosted with a recent version of kvmtool. The team needs to exploit any “0day” bug in kvmtool to escape the virtual machine and get the flag from the host file system.

Kvmtool is a virtual machine manager (VMM) which uses KVM and offers only few virtual devices. The project seems to be only used for testing of KVM features and KVM implementation bring-ups.

hxp CTF 2021: f_cktoring writeup

Another year, another hxp CTF. Here's a writeup for the evidently hardest crypto challenge "f_cktoring", organically sourced directly from the author!

This challenge was a classical RSA decryption challenge: Given a public key and ciphertext, recover the message.

Because hxp 💝 you and guessing 🟰 stupid, we obviously provided the full source code of the SageMath script that generated the data.

0CTF|TCTF 2021 Quals: selected writeups

This was a great CTF and we hacked some stuff. Here’s a relatively small subset of how.

OMH CTF 2021: tower of power

crypto (500 points, 1 solve)

In this challenge, the goal was to compute $x$ given $ (g,g^{69^x}) $ in the binary field $\mathbb F_{2^{127}}$.

TLDR: Magma solves DLPs in $\mathbb F_{2^{127}}$ fast.

OMH CTF 2021: falsch

misc (500 points, 1 solve)

In this (very cool!) challenge, the objective was to prove false in a small homebrew automated theorem prover written in the LISP dialect Racket.

The prover incorporated many important checks (such as only allowing tail recursion) that are required for soundness, but missed (at least) one crucial thing: variable scoping isn’t a thing.

Midnightsun CTF 2021: Brohammer

pwn (228 points, 18 solves)

The challenge opens up a syscall to perform only a single bit flip to a target virtual address. The goal is to be able to read the protected file /root/flag by escalating privileges or by some form of memory disclosure.

hxp CTF 2020: kernel-rop

Expected steps of solving the task:

  1. Reverse, notice trivial stack buffer overflow, disable KASLR in run script, write solution, notice it fails with KASLR
  2. Notice it uses FG-KASLR

hxp CTF 2020: find the chicken

hxp CTF 2020: wisdom2

This task was yet another incarnation of last year’s wisdom task: Basically, simply™ get root in the current version of SerenityOS from an unprivileged account.

Apparently, the security improvements made in response to last year’s SerenityOS hacking adventures made the system so secure that only one team managed to break into it during the CTF (in stark contrast to six exploits last time), but of course we also had a sample exploit, which will be explained in this writeup.

0CTF Finals 2020: babyheap

babyheap (485 points, 14 solves)

When I think about 0ctf their babyheap challenges are among the things that immediately come to my mind. As I am to some extent “the heap guy” of hxp I had the pleasure of working on them the past couple of years, and if I remember correctly I solved all but one babyheap challenge that I attempted. Interestingly enough the 0ctf babyheap challenges all share some flavor. Namely, the chunks are managed using an array that is placed on an a page with truly randomized virtual address, even shifted within that page. This year their structure looked like this:

struct allocation {
	int is_allocated;
	size_t size;
	char *data;

TokyoWesterns CTF 6th 2020: selected writeups

This was a great CTF and we hacked some stuff. Here’s a relatively small subset of how.

Google CTF Quals 2020: Threading

sandbox (314 points, 17 solves)

This task presents us with a custom “constrained” programming language, its runtime and a custom multithreading library. A program compiled in this language does not have direct access to any additional libraries and cannot execute code which does not match the grammar and parsing rules of the language. The solving team needs to provide a malicious program which can escape the constrained environment and read the flag on the system, e.g. by starting a shell.

TSG CTF 2020: Karte

pwn (341 points, 6 solves)

This was another minimalistic heap puzzle like those tasks usually called babyheap. You could perform allocations of different sizes. You could extend these allocations, free them or print them. The allocation however only stored its size and the ID.

struct allocation {
    size_t size;
    uint64_t id;

The rest of the memory was left uninitialized. On allocation you could choose a size less than 0x100 and the ID. This ID was then used to work with the chunk, like extending the allocation. Showing the allocation also only printed these two values. The binary also contained a hidden 5th option: This option would open a shell if the variable authorized was true. This variable however was statically false and not written during legitimate execution of the program.

The Bug

The allocations were stored in a pointer list in bss. The allocation was assumed valid if such pointer differed from NULL. The bug was that dealloc not resetting the pointer to NULL, thus allowing for a use-after-free or double-free vulnerabilities.

0CTF 2020 writeups

This was a great CTF and we hacked some stuff. Here’s how.

RCTF 2020: MultipleMultiply

crypto (952 points, 2 solves)

This challenge consisted of breaking a subset-product problem. Only two teams managed to solve the task during the CTF: we came in second after MSLC, who also got first blood on all other crypto tasks.

The full source code of the task is rather short:

from Cryptodome.Util.number import bytes_to_long, getPrime
import random
import hashlib

sr = random.SystemRandom()
p = getPrime(120)
num = [sr.randint(1,p-1) for i in range(90)]
secret = sr.randint(0, 2**90)
r = 1
for i in range(90):
    if (secret >> i) & 1:
        r *= num[i]
        r %= p

flag = open("flag.txt","rb").read()
h = hashlib.sha256(str(secret).encode('utf-8')).digest()


So, we are given a product $r$ of a subset of known integers $x_1,…,x_n$, modulo a prime $p$, and the goal is to figure out what that subset was.

DEFCON CTF Quals 2020: notbefoooled

crypto (143 points, 30 solves)

This task was about the additive transfer attack on elliptic curves, which seemed very interesting, but unfortunately no math was needed to solve it.

Here’s the only relevant part of the task script (written in sage):

def input_int(msg):
    s = input(msg)
    return int(s)

Knowing that sage only recently switched to Python3 and the server might still be running an older version, we tried exploiting one of Python2’s most dangerous footguns, namely the extremely inappropriately named input() function. As the name suggests, this function reads some input — and then eval()s it. (WTF?!)

PlaidCTF 2020: Bonzi Scheme

rev (300 points, 12 solves)

Writeup for PlaidCTF 2020’s “Bonzi Scheme” task, a.k.a. How to hack hex with hyx: A totally serious guide.

hxp 36C3 CTF: md15

rev (909 points, 2 solves)

Full release of our research paper on executing a “preimage attack” on the MD5 function.

hxp 36C3 CTF: sicher²

pwn/web (667 points, 6 solves)

This challenge was a simple (multi-threaded) C++ web server (source) featuring HTTP basic authentication for files in the /secret/ directory, which includes flag.html. Solvers had to circumvent the password check (or figure out a way to get code execution that I haven’t discovered yet :-)).

hxp 36C3 CTF: numb_theory (and dumb_theory)

crypto (769 points, 4 solves)

This task asked for a forgery in a homebrew RSA-like signature scheme over a number field. Sadly, it seems that everyone who solved it during the CTF circumvented the most interesting bits of the intended solution by applying more brute force (poor souls :-)), so I will discuss my own solution here just in case anyone cares.

hxp 36C3 CTF: fortuna_hell

crypto/pwn (769 points, 4 solves)

This challenge was a classical nonsensical shellcoding problem: To solve it, one had to find a linear congruential generator (LCG) whose output is printable x86_64 shellcode starting with the string hxp<3.

It seems that some teams made assumptions on the (randomized) register values in their shellcode and simply kept retrying their payload $2^{16}$ times, but there was actually at least one deterministic one-shot solution which I’ll show here.

hxp 36C3 CTF: SaV-ls-l-aaS

crypto/web (588 points, 8 solves)

This challenge consisted of a hardsoftware security module providing RSA signatures in PHP, together with a simple web frontend written in Go that executes shell commands if they are correctly signed (together with the client’s IP address). However, (un)fortunately, the server would only sign the command ls -l, so one had to forge a signature.

hxp 36C3 CTF: onetimepad

This challenge fits into the category of babyheap challenges which are small heap puzzles with arbitrary limitations. Here a small pad was implemented which can hold eight notes at a time but after reading a note it was destroyed. The vulnerability was a classical use after free (UAF) in rewrite that did not check whether a note was valid or not. This bug however could only be triggered once.

hxp 36C3 CTF: compilerbot

misc (256 points, 30 solves)

If Compiler Explorer is too bloated for you, you can always rely on our excellent compiler bot to tell you whether you screwed up while coding your latest exploit.

And since we never actually run your code, there’s no way for you to hack it!

Download: compilerbot-f64128acb63c6bbe.tar.xz (10.9 KiB)
Connection: nc 8011

hxp 36C3 CTF: Emu War

zahjebischte, pwn (unsolved)

Time for an Emu War.

Pl0x upload your coolest ROMs, here is mine :>.

An actual emu war

Download: Emu War-35eccd2af489ec05.tar.xz (495.9 KiB)

hxp 36C3 CTF: vvvv

zahjebischte, pwn (909 points, 2 solves)

The other other JavaScript engine.

Download: vvvv-cc9085ea51e239dc.tar.xz (11.3 KiB)
Connection: nc 13336

Balsn CTF 2019 writeups

In this CTF, we destroyed both LC↯BC and PPP. lol.

PwnThyBytes CTF 2019 writeups

This was a great CTF and we hacked some stuff. Here’s how.

Teaser Dragon CTF 2019: "PlayCAP" writeup

Given was PlayCAP.pcapng and app.html. First checking the PCAP, we see that an USB connection is captured there. In the Response DEVICE, the vendor Nintendo Co., Ltd is shown. Later the device name is sent as string: Pro Controller.

0CTF 2019: "babyheap" writeup

This is one more challenge from the “heap exploitation puzzle franchise”. Like many times before you can almost directly interact with the heap. Typical for 0CTF, allocations were tracked on a mmapped page at an entirely random address. Together with the address, the size of the allocation is stored as well. There can be at most 16 allocations at a time. You can update, view and delete these allocations, and as long as you are within the 16-allocation limit, you can also create new allocations.


In this challenge there are two vulnerabilities. First, allocations are created with malloc and not immediately initialized, so that when viewed directly after allocation, you recieve the old content. Second, when updating you can only provide bytes up to the size you specified when allocating the chunk, but a null byte is always added. This results in the infamous null byte overflow.

Announcing hxp 36C3 CTF

preliminary hxp 36C3 CTF logo

Unless you’ve lived under a rock for the past months, you’ve probably already heard the good news that hxp will organize their famous and celebrated* CTF during 36C3 this year.

* This CTF featured the best barszcz ever!Redford, p4

* The only thing I can complain about is the lack of pierogi. — valis, justCatTheFish_

* If hxp ever organizes C3CTF, I will cut my hair! — nsr, teamless, also known as Gynvael

* a big group of hxp players from Germany, which makes me sad — msm, Dragon Sector

0CTF Quals 2019: "zer0des" writeup

Yet another cryptanalysis challenge to test your differential-linear skills.

This challenge comes with an implementation of (almost) textbook DES, and a server that allows us to encrypt arbitrary plaintexts with that cipher (in ECB mode, i.e. each 64-bit block independently) using a key that is randomly generated per connection.

There is a time limit set for 20 minutes. To obtain the flag, we need to find the key used by the server for our connection, and submit it to the server.

Unlike some other CTFs [1, 2], this time DES actually means DES without any weird modifications — but there are only 8 rounds instead of the standard 16.

0CTF Quals 2019: "flropyd" writeup

People always say that ROP is Turing complete, show me by implementing the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.

The description already says exactly what is going to happen here: We are provided with a program that

  • prints the address of malloc to give us access to the libc (libc6 2.27-3, Ubuntu x64),
  • reads a ROP chain from the input,
  • generates random fully-connected graphs,
  • and verifies that the ROP chain actually performs the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.

0CTF Quals 2019: "babyheap" writeup

This challenge is yet another one of the “heap puzzle” kind. The interactions with the server usually are quite obvious however arbitrary restrictions are enforced. This task is no exception to that. Before going over the challenge and the solution, I quickly wanted to thank the author of this challenge for its well thought out design. All reads performed by the program took a predictable number of bytes from the input stream, so that synchronization could be skipped in some parts of the exploit. This massively speed up the time needed to perform all the necessary actions, as the script had not to wait for the quite large round-trip time too often.

0CTF Quals 2019: "Wallbreaker easy" writeup

When connecting to the given URL, we are provided with the following output:

Imagick is a awesome library for hackers to break `disable_functions`.
So I installed php-imagick in the server, opened a `backdoor` for you.
Let's try to execute `/readflag` to get the flag.
Open basedir: /var/www/html:/tmp/b6b320612bead18b3b67932f139fed1f
Hint: eval($_POST["backdoor"]);

0CTF Quals 2019: "zer0mi" writeup

This challenge asked us to break an instance of the Matsumoto–Imai multivariate public-key encryption scheme. Clearly the first thing to look at is a linearization attack: The first step is generating about $(N+1)^2$ plaintext-ciphertext pairs $(x_i,y_i)$, which is of course possible using the public key by encrypting random plaintexts. One then looks for linearization equations of the form \[ a_{ij}x_iy_j + b_ix_i + c_ix_i + d = 0 \] that all those pairs satisfy; this consists of solving a big linear system with $(N+1)^2$ unknowns $a_{ij},b_i,c_j,d$. The construction of the nonlinear maps used in the MI scheme ensures that there exist $N$ such equations in almost all cases. Finally, one can take those linearization equations, plug in a specific ciphertext $y_1,\dots,y_N$, and solve for the plaintext $x_1,\dots,x_N$.

0CTF Quals 2019: "fixed point" writeup

This crackme-style reversing task consisted of an x86_64 binary whose main operations are:

  • Build a table data of 128-bit constants.
  • Check that the input matches flag\{[0-9a-f]{32}\}.
  • Hex-decode the inner part of the flag to obtain a byte string x.
  • Initialize a 128-bit integer variable v with the value -1 (all bits set).
  • For each byte c in "flag{" + x + "}":
    • Compute v := data[(v&0xff) ^ c] ^ (v >> 8).
  • Check that v in little-endian representation equals x.

0CTF Quals 2019: "babysponge" writeup

This challenge consisted of finding a collision for Keccak with a very small capacity parameter.

The only really relevant part of the task’s source code is:

        return CompactFIPS202.Keccak(1552, 48, bytearray(msg), 0x06, 32)

When given two distinct msgs such that this call returns the same hash value, the server will hand out the flag.

0CTF Quals 2019: "zer0lfsr" writeup

This challenge asked us to recover the initial state of three linear-feedback shift registers (each of size 48), given the output of a nonlinear combine() function applied to the three individual output streams:

def combine(x1,x2,x3):
    return (x1*x2)^(x2*x3)^(x1*x3)

0CTF Quals 2019: "babyrsa" writeup

This challenge is about a variant of RSA encryption where the integers are replaced by a polynomial ring over $\mathbb F_2$.

Recall that RSA works in a ring $\mathbb Z/n$ where $n=pq$ is a product of two large random primes. To break RSA, it is sufficient to compute the size $\varphi(n)$ of the unit group $(\mathbb Z/n)^\ast$ since this allows one to compute $e$th roots in that group. The owner of the private key can compute $\varphi(n)$ as $(p-1)(q-1)$; without knowing $p$ and $q$ this problem is assumed to be hard.

In this challenge, $\mathbb Z$ is replaced by $\mathbb F_2[x]$ and $n$ is replaced by a big polynomial $f\in\mathbb F_2[x]$ of degree $2049$.

Code Blue CTF Quals 2018: "something revenge" writeup

This task consisted of exploiting a program whose main purpose seems to be to read some input and compare it to the flag. To perform this operation, the program uses multiple threads and does some other suspicious things, but I didn’t use these for solving it (and in fact, the author confirms that the following solution was unintended).

Most of the code is irrelevant, except for the following snippet of the reconstructed C code that does the actual comparison:

for (i = 0; i < len_flag; ++i) {
  if (globals->input[i] != flag[i]) {
    myprintf(" is not right.\n");
    return 0;

Code Blue CTF Quals 2018: "little riddle" writeup

In this challenge, the task was to break out of a Ruby sandbox using seccomp and Ruby’s “safe” mode to read the flag file.

I have almost no clue about Ruby, hence I went the low-level route.

hxp CTF 2017 Virtual Machine released

Every player knows the one problem of both online and on-site CTFs. You really enjoy (or hate) hacking awesome challenges. But once the CTF is over most of the online services, web challenges, downloads and descriptions are gone forever.

We tried to offer a static archive of our past CTFs. Sadly, we can’t keep the challenge services running forever and only the challenges’ description and downloads are available. This is a big problem when you want to test your write-up against the original execution environment or generally want to teach anyone about past CTFs.

So, we decided to dig through our archives and repack all challenges of the hxp CTF 2017 into one self-contained virtual machine:

DEFCON Quals 2018: "babypwn1805" writeup

This “baby” task consisted of exploiting the following short C program without being given the compiled binary:

/* includes omitted */

char asdf[1024];

int main()
    long long index = 0;

    read(0, &index, 1024);
    read(0, asdf+index, 8);
    read(0, &index, 1024);

DEFCON Quals 2018: "pssecure" writeup

In this task, we’re given a core dump of an x86-64 ELF file that has crashed due to a SIGSEGV. Our job is to investigate on the reason of the SIGSEGV and reconstruct the actual program flow calculating a flag. The reason of the segfault is quite obvious, as gdb tells us:

 RAX  0x555555554e9a ◂— inc    dword ptr [rax]
 RBX  0x555555554e9d ◂— leave  
 RCX  0x7fffffffec70 ◂— 0x6c69665f73696874 ('this_fil')
 RDX  0x7fffffffec94 ◂— 0xdc7ab200791dc20e
 RDI  0x7fffffffec70 ◂— 0x6c69665f73696874 ('this_fil')
 RSI  0x7fffffffec90 ◂— 0x791dc20eefa46567
 R8   0x7ffff7fd7740 ◂— 0x7ffff7fd7740
 R9   0x13
 R10  0x7ffff7fd7740 ◂— 0x7ffff7fd7740
 R11  0x246
 R12  0x5555555549d0 ◂— xor    ebp, ebp
 R13  0x7fffffffed90 ◂— 0x5
 R14  0x0
 R15  0x0
 RBP  0x7fffffffecb0 —▸ 0x5555555552d0 ◂— push   r15
 RSP  0x7fffffffec38 —▸ 0x5555555552aa ◂— mov    eax, 0
 RIP  0x555555554e9a ◂— inc    dword ptr [rax]
 ► 0x555555554e9a    inc    dword ptr [rax]

Currently, rax points to non-writable memory within the program’s executable segment causing the inc instruction to fail. Clearly, the execution flow should not end up here.

DEFCON Quals 2018: "it's-a-me" writeup

We’re given a binary called mario which (stereotypically) simulates a pizza bakery in Italian English.

A first investigation shows that Mario is not happy with our pizza:

DEFCON Quals 2018: "ddtek: Preview" writeup

In this challenge, we were given a binary preview, which prints the first seven lines of any file if (and only if) the file contains more than six lines. Of course the flag file contains a single line only.

The binary itself consists of two stages: the first stage (an ELF file) will “decrypt” the second stage, which is another ELF file contained in the data section, load this program as well as the runtime linker (rtld) to random addresses, and jump into the loader. The loader loads the remaining shared libraries and executes the second program normally.

DEFCON Quals 2018: "Note Oriented Programming" writeup

In this challenge, one had to write x86 shellcode using musical notes, i.e., the shellcode had to be a sequence of the ASCII strings An, A#n, Bn, Cn, C#n, Dn, D#n, En, Fn, F#n, Gn, G#n, where n is between 0 and 9. (And one had to send these notes to the server encoded as frequencies, which was easy to revert.) The registers were initialized as: eax=ebx=ecx=edx=0 and edi=esi=esp. Some constant strings were put on the stack prior to running our code. The shellcode was loaded and executed at 0x60606000.

We assembled a read(0, 0x60606260, a_few) syscall to read more (regular) shellcode using self-modifying code as follows.

VolgaCTF Quals 2018: pwn350 "XOR Trick" writeup

The challenge consisted of a Python service which encodes a user-supplied message in a user-supplied image using a native Python library. Due to missing (wrong) length checks, the binary allowed for buffer overflows on the stack as well as on the heap.

hxp CTF 2017: web200 "haveibeenpwning" writeup

Check if you have a flag that has been compromised in a data breach


100 Basepoints + 100 Bonuspoints * min(1, 3 / 39 Solves) = 107 Points

This writeup explains the haveibeenpwning challenge of the recent hxp CTF 2017.

The challenge presents a web site that allows to check if our flags have been compromised.

hxp CTF 2017: misc100 "drucker" writeup

extract the flag! Download:



The challenge consisted of extracting a flag from a .pcapng-stream, captured while scanning a sheet of paper via USB.

hxp CTF 2017: web150 "web_of_ages" writeup

web_of_ages consisted of six levels, all with one sort of injection exploit.

  • Level 1: SQL injection
  • Level 2: Blind SQL injection
  • Level 3: XPath injection
  • Level 4: Object injection
  • Level 5: Insert injection
  • Level 6: Command injection

Level 1

This level had basically no filter and a normal “print” statement, so all you needed to do was to select the username and password from the database. The username was especially easy, just circumvent the check with {"user":"???", "' OR 1=1 -- "}, the result was admin. To get the password we used UNION: {"user":"admin", "password":"' AND 0=1 UNION (SELECT password, password, password FROM auth WHERE username = '{}') -- "}.

hxp CTF 2017: misc350 "inception" writeup

Warning: flag format for this challenge: HXP{…}

Now please inspect. Download:


250 Basepoints + 100 Bonuspoints * min(1, 3 / 0 Solves) = 350 Points


The idea of this challenge was to distribute a pcap that contained different layers of encrypted content to show that their typical mode of operation is insecure.


When opening the pcap in your favorite packet analyzer (for example Wireshark) you will find a lot of DNS traffic. With Iodine you are able to tunnel your data through a restricted network that otherwise requires a login within a captive portal. Usually these networks filter traffic like HTTP or SSH but allow passing of DNS traffic.

Open the Iodine dump

Iodine traffic is not encrypted, authentication is implemented by checking an MD5 hash in the beginning of the protocol. The Upstream data is typically encoded with a custom version of base128 and the downstream is typically raw when used with a DNS record of type NULL.

hxp CTF 2017: crypto600 "categorical" writeup

This was the highest-rated crypto challenge in our recent hxp CTF 2017.

In a nutshell, the task is to find a collision in a weak instantiation of the Charles-Goren-Lauter hash function on a supersingular isogeny graph.

The idea of that hash function is: Given an exponentially large graph, we can construct a hash function using graph walking by choosing the edge taken at each step according to the next input bit. Once all bits are consumed, some identifier of the end node is returned. Assuming that the underlying graph is “random”, this yields a collision-resistant hash function.
(For example: collisions give rise to nontrivial cycles by concatenating the two different paths with the same end node; finding a preimage would amount to finding a path between the start node and the target node. Since the graph is exponentially large, obtaining either of these objects by brute force is infeasible.)

However, in our instantiation, the underlying graph has some efficiently computable structure that can be used to find collisions much faster than by brute force.

Google CTF 2017: reversing "moon"

This writeup explains how we solved a reversing task called moon during the Google CTF last weekend. In summary, the task implements a password check using OpenGL shaders.

OpenGL windows opened by moon

PlaidCTF 2017: pwn300 "yacp"

The organizers threw “yet another crypto problem” (yacp) at us. It’s a 32bit ELF binary that implements a simple encryption / hashing service. In the following we describe our (most likely overly complicated) three-stage exploit that would get us the flag just one hour after the competition ended. The writeup is intentionally written in a rather detailed way, so skip right to the bottom if you’re only interested in the high-level summary of what we did.

Insomnihack 2017: "wheel of robots" writeup

wheel of robots was one of the pwn challenges in the Insomnihack main event with medium difficulty. You could choose from 6 robots to add to the ‘wheel of robots’. Some robots have an adjustable attribute which determined the maximum size their name could take.

  • Tinny Tim
  • Bender (intelligence)
  • Robot Devil (cruelty)
  • Chain Smoker
  • Billionaire Bot
  • Destructor (powerful)

You could change the name of robots you already added to the wheel of robots, or delete them. Once you added 3 robots to the wheel, you could spin it. One of the three robots was then selected and an action executed depending on the robot. For most robots, the name was printed as well. Internally, the robots had each a flag and a pointer in the BSS. The flag was set when a robot got selected, and cleared when it was deleted. The pointer pointed to the name which was allocated on the heap.

BkP CTF 2017: crypto350 "minesweeper" writeup

This challenge required us to design a quantum circuit which detects on a two-qubit system whether a measurement is taking place or not, while making sure a certain state never gets measured. As per the challenge description, this can be used to detect an eavesdropper without them noticing.

Insomni'hack Teaser 2017: rev250 "mindreader"


We’re given an Android .apk file, and asked to steal information from the exfiltrators. After figuring out the encoding scheme used to communicate with the server, we extract the secret flag from the server via an SQL injection.

PlaidCTF 2016: rev175 "quick"

In the following we summarize our solutions for a reversing task that appeared last weekend during the PlaidCTF 2016.

This task is the perfect example that it is possible to obtain a secret from a compiled program even without having any clue about the internal mechanics of the code.

VolgaCTF 2016 Quals: crypto600 "Five Blocks" writeup

This challenge exposed a chosen-plaintext oracle for a quite complicated homebrew block cipher, which one should use to decrypt a given ciphertext. Remarkably, we were the only team to solve this challenge during the CTF.

Task description:

The creators of the AI we’re so desperately looking for used the remote server to encrypt their data. It seems that this service merely encrypts the data we’re sending to it. We managed to find a possibly valuable piece of encrypted data along with the server’s script. Could you take a look and see if anything can be done?

nc five-blocks.2016.volgactf.ru 8888

server ciphers data


  1. What would you get if you’d encrypted four-block data of the form AABC, where A, B, C are 64-bit arbitrary blocks?
  2. Are the rounds of the second block cipher completely dependent or independent of each other? Or is the truth somewhere in the middle?

VolgaCTF 2016 Quals: crypto300 "XXY" writeup

In this task, one had to break an instance of the Goldreich-Goldwasser-Halevi lattice encryption scheme.

The task description reads:

I remember some of the AI engineers saying this was a very unusual cryptosystem. It was used to encrypt and transmit information of the enormous importance. Moreover, it seems there’s no need to share a key before the transmission.

We’ve found some kind of a key file, a ciphertext and the enciphering script itself. Is it possible to decrypt the data?

The script linked in the challenge description uses the following sage function to encrypt a message:

def encrypt(plain_block, W, delta=151):
    n = W.ncols()
    m = vector([ord(ch)  for ch in plain_block])
    r = random_vector(ZZ, n, x=-delta+1, y=delta)
    e = m * W + r
    return e

In that snippet, $W$ is a unimodular square integer matrix loaded from the key.public file. That is, encryption essentially consists of the operation

\[ e \;=\; m\cdot W + r \]

where $r$ is a small random error vector and the message $m$ is suitably interpreted as an integer vector.

Now what seems to be required to obtain $m\cdot W$ (hence $m$) from the disturbed vector $m\cdot W+r$ is solving the closest vector problem (CVP) in the lattice spanned by the columns of $W$. However, this seems to be, to the best of public knowledge, quite hard in general, hence naïvely throwing the given point into sage just heats your CPU for a long time.

SharifCTF 2016: crypto350 "British Elevator" writeup

After noticing this challenge was about elliptic curves, I could not resist having a try at it. The “description” consisted of the following data:

p = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411511252189319
A = 16857450949524777441941817393974784044780411507861094535
B = 77986137112576
E: y^2 = x^3 + Ax + B over GF(p)
P = (5732560139258194764535999929325388041568732716579308775, 14532336890195013837874850588152996214121327870156054248)
Q = (2609506039090139098835068603396546214836589143940493046, 8637771092812212464887027788957801177574860926032421582)
Q = secret * P
flag = secret

Hence the task is simply to compute the (discrete) logarithm of Q with base P on an elliptic curve E given by a Weierstraß equation \[ E\colon\quad y^2=x^3+Ax+B \text. \]

Insomni'hack Teaser 2016: pwn250 "toasted"

This painful task simulates an embedded toaster firmware that you have to pwn by using the random generator output. The used architecture is ARMv7.

9447 CTF 2015: rev[1|70|100|160]

This bulk-writeup briefly describes the solutions for the four simpler reverse engineering tasks of the 9447 CTF 2015.

9447 CTF 2015: crypto310 "Fibbed" writeup

In this challenge, we were given the source code of a server and client along with a network dump generated from letting those communicate. The description reads:

Some secret communication was captured, and we’re having trouble decrypting it. Can you help?

The protocol consists of a Diffie-Hellman-style key agreement, only the underlying operation seems to have been changed. Carefully reading the code shows that the computation is performed in the ring of $2\times 2$ matrices over a finite field using a Montgomery ladder algorithm, so we have to find a way to solve the Diffie-Hellman problem in these (in fact, we will even compute logarithms).

Organizing our first CTF

As most of you probably know by now, we held our first CTF last weekend and with it there was a lot to learn for us. Since most (or probably even all) of our readers here are CTF players and organizers themselves, we thought it would be a nice touch to compile everything into a blog post to give all of you the chance to laugh about our stupid mistakes and maybe even learn something new. :)

Selecting the date

We actually picked the date for our CTF quite carefully. We used ctftime.org to choose a more or less free weekend, and at the time we did that, neither Hack.lu, EKOPARTY nor WhiteHat Grand Prix had been announced there. We know all those are linked to conferences so I guess there would have been a way to know that would happen. If someone knows a better source for this kind of information, please let us know so we can choose a better date next time.

TUMCTF Teaser 2015: crypto150 "really_slow_arithmetic" writeup

In this challenge from the first ever CTF competition organized by the H4x0rPsch0rr team, …

Your task is simple: ssh -i id_rsa -p 1122 ctf@1.ctf.link

Oh, and here’s the key, because we love you <3 :)

The (RSA) private key is…

    [...roughly 11k more lines of base64...]

…extraordinarily huge.

TUMCTF Teaser 2015: Misc 200 "Autoaggressive Desensitization" writeup

Extract some RTP data and find the flag in the lofty frequencies above some growling cats.

MMACTF 2015: Reversing 150 "Impossible?" writeup

We analyze a small binary that asks to satisfy a seemingly unsolvable equation.

CONFidence CTF 2015: Reversing 400 "Deobfuscate Me" writeup

A delegation of the H4x0rPsch0rr team spent a weekend in the awesome city of Kraków and participated in the even more awesome CONFidence CTF organized by the DragonSector team (thanks for the invitation!). Out of the numerous challenges that were opened up during the CTF, no team was able to solve a reversing task called “Deobfuscate Me” which was worth 400 points.

After the competition task authors presented their sample solutions which, in case of this task, consisted of incrementally measuring differences in the execution traces of the challenge depending on the user input. However, we wanted to show that it was also possible to leverage symbolic execution in combination with a SMT solver to solve the challenge. Our (somewhat tedious) approach is described in this writeup.

BkP CTF 2015: Crypto 600 "Wonderland" writeup

The objective of this fun challenge was solving the elliptic curve discrete logarithm problem using a twist attack on a Montgomery ladder.

To enable us to do so, the server essentially provides an oracle for the function $\mathbb E\to\mathbb E,\;P\mapsto [f]P$, where $f$ is the private key and $\mathbb E$ is an elliptic curve. According to the task description, the flag is $f$’s hexadecimal representation.

Let $p = 2^{160} + 7$, which is prime, and $A=40638$. The (Montgomery) curve in use is \[ \mathbb E\colon\quad y^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + x \] over the finite field $\mathbb F_p=\mathbb Z/\langle p\rangle$. The organizers were kind enough to also supply the curve’s group order

\[ \lvert\mathbb E\rvert = 1461501637330902918203684014253252914573215409208 \text, \]
which is unfortunately safe as it factors into $2^3$ and some large prime, effectively avoiding small-subgroup attacks. Since we can only supply an $x$ coordinate (as opposed to both $x$ and $y$ coordinates), invalid point attacks as described in the linked paper are also unapplicable.

Boston Key Party 2015 - pwn 275: Broadway

lets pretend that first CDN didnt happened! can you get a shell, there is a second flag in the root of the fs! It is up at : 275

Sidenote: I highly recommend reading my other writeup to Andrew first, as they cover the same binary. I’ll assume that you’ve read it.

After getting the first flag, there wasn’t much left to analyze in the binary, besides the standard nginx functions. I’ve spent some time looking at minjs(), but did not come up with anything. But a quick look at minhtml() made it pretty obvious. Looking at the stack layout, we see a bunch of uninteresting stuff happen. But at the very top of the stack, there is a u_char ret[1024] allocated. This looks promising!

Boston Key Party CTF 2015 - pwn 275: Andrew

we have an EXPERIMENTAL CDN based on nginx. It can optimize html, javascript, leetify text and rehost images. It is up at flag is in /flag.txt : 275

We were given nginx binary and a config file. The config file wasn’t really interesting, it just mapped everything to a custom action:

server {
    listen 8080;
    server_name localhost;

    location / { hello; }

Boston Key Party 2015: Reversing 300 "Community College" / "fredkin"

Examining the unknown

Community College
I can’t follow what’s going on here. Can you? : 300

As always with CTF challanges, let’s run file on what we’re given:

file fredkin fredkin: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, MIPS, MIPS-II version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=2204905041c5ddc8a13ab816a6421daf0870b6a0, stripped

MIPS? Ooooh, well … Firing up IDA and loading the binary we’re greeted by a relatively complex main function calling several other functions (who’d have guessed this?). The following is the prologue:

BkP CTF 2015: Crypto 500 "Airport" writeup

This challenge was concerned with exploiting a timing oracle vulnerability, as was already disclosed in the task description:

The timing in this challenge is clearly not very realistic—but the methods you’ll use here can be extended to real-world implementations of modular exponentiation. Server at, port 1025. My solution takes a little while. Good luck.

Along with this, the server’s Python source code was provided.

From the code, one recognizes that the server repeatedly performs modular exponentiation of some attacker-chosen base $g$ to the power of a randomly generated secret $x\in\{1,\dots,\frac{p-1}2-1\}$ modulo a public, pre-chosen safe prime $p$; that is, $p=2q+1$ for another prime $q$.

As hinted in the challenge description, the square-and-multiply function provides a (pretty unrealistic) timing oracle: Whenever the accumulator contains the value $4$, the server sleeps for a second. Incidentally, the challenge’s main goal is to provide a number $g$ such that $g^x\equiv4\pmod p$, upon which the server prints the flag.

Additionally, a function called group_check enforces (by ensuring $g^{\frac{p-1}2}\equiv1\pmod p$) that the provided base $g$ is a square modulo $p$ (also known as “quadratic residue”, although the author deems this terminology rather unfortunate), that is, there is some $h\in\mathbb Z$ such that $h^2\equiv g\pmod p$. This means that all computation is performed in the subgroup of squares of $(\mathbb Z/p\mathbb Z)^\ast$, a group with some pretty nice properties — we’ll see a little more about this later.

Ghost in the Shellcode 2015: Forensics 200 "The Alpha Molecule"

Fun fact: It took one of our team members about 10 seconds to recognize the similarity to this sound while listening to the song. He was like “wait a second, PUT THAT ON AN OSCILLOSCOPE!”. We then proceeded to annoy everyone by playing the song in an infinite loop until the author finally got his hands on one.

Ghost in the Shellcode 2015: Reversing 300 "huffy"

Gathering Information

Find the key!
File: File
Server: huffy.2015.ghostintheshellcode.com:8143

This was the only “official” reversing challenge in the 2015 edition of the Ghost in the Shellcode CTF. It was made available several hours before the end of the competition and worth 300 juicy points.

Executing the binary and entering some random text yields a lot of output:

$ ./huffy
CWD: ~/CTF/2015_01_GitS/rev300_huffy
Nibble  Frequency
------  ---------
0   0.100000
1   0.400000
2   0.000000
3   0.000000
4   0.400000
5   0.000000
6   0.000000
7   0.000000
8   0.000000
9   0.000000
a   0.100000
b   0.000000
c   0.000000
d   0.000000
e   0.000000
f   0.000000

Read 5 bytes
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.000000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.000000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.000000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.000000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.000000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.000000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.000000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.000000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.000000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.000000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.000000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.000000 and 0.100000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.100000 and 0.100000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.200000 and 0.200000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.400000 and 0.400000
Two lowest frequencies: 0.400000 and 0.800000
0 --0-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
1 --0-- 0x804c3c0 
2 --0-- 0x804c258 --0-- 0x804c270 --0-- 0x804c288 --0-- 0x804c2a0 --0-- 0x804c2b8 --0-- 0x804c2d0 --0-- 0x804c2e8 --0-- 0x804c300 --0-- 0x804c318 --0-- 0x804c330 --0-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
3 --1-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
4 --1-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
5 --1-- 0x804c330 --0-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
6 --1-- 0x804c318 --0-- 0x804c330 --0-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
7 --1-- 0x804c300 --0-- 0x804c318 --0-- 0x804c330 --0-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
8 --1-- 0x804c2e8 --0-- 0x804c300 --0-- 0x804c318 --0-- 0x804c330 --0-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
9 --1-- 0x804c2d0 --0-- 0x804c2e8 --0-- 0x804c300 --0-- 0x804c318 --0-- 0x804c330 --0-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
a --1-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
b --1-- 0x804c2b8 --0-- 0x804c2d0 --0-- 0x804c2e8 --0-- 0x804c300 --0-- 0x804c318 --0-- 0x804c330 --0-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
c --1-- 0x804c2a0 --0-- 0x804c2b8 --0-- 0x804c2d0 --0-- 0x804c2e8 --0-- 0x804c300 --0-- 0x804c318 --0-- 0x804c330 --0-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
d --1-- 0x804c288 --0-- 0x804c2a0 --0-- 0x804c2b8 --0-- 0x804c2d0 --0-- 0x804c2e8 --0-- 0x804c300 --0-- 0x804c318 --0-- 0x804c330 --0-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
e --1-- 0x804c270 --0-- 0x804c288 --0-- 0x804c2a0 --0-- 0x804c2b8 --0-- 0x804c2d0 --0-- 0x804c2e8 --0-- 0x804c300 --0-- 0x804c318 --0-- 0x804c330 --0-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
f --1-- 0x804c258 --0-- 0x804c270 --0-- 0x804c288 --0-- 0x804c2a0 --0-- 0x804c2b8 --0-- 0x804c2d0 --0-- 0x804c2e8 --0-- 0x804c300 --0-- 0x804c318 --0-- 0x804c330 --0-- 0x804c348 --0-- 0x804c360 --1-- 0x804c378 --1-- 0x804c390 --0-- 0x804c3a8 --1-- 0x804c3c0 
Encoding input...
ASCII Encoded: 110110110110101010111
Binary Encoded:
Executing encoded input...
[1]    10542 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./huffy

Okay, let’s see what is going on here. It prints out the current working dir and asks for input. After being fed with data and pressing C-d to signal a EOF, the binary performs a frequency analysis on the nibbles of the input and prints out the result. Indeed, we find (including the “invisible” newline character)

31C3 CTF: Crypto 10 "hwaes" writeup

This was a nice little crypto challenge related to AES key expansion. The description says

We implemented aes in hardware and saved a lot of memory. Feel free to use our online aes encryption service to secure your data.

Additionally, we were provided with a Python server script and an IP/port pair. The server provides the following options:

self.commands = {"help": (self.help, "show this help"),
                "setkey": (self.set_key, "Set AES key"),
                "getkey": (self.get_key, "Set AES key"),
                "encrypt": (self.encrypt, "Encrypt with AES"),
                "flag": (self.flag, "Encrypt flag"),

Besides that, the script mainly consists of interface code to communicate with an AES hardware module, essentially passing the [gs]etkey and encrypt commands to the module and echoing back the results to the socket.

Of course, our attention immediately shifted to the flag command, which does

def flag(self, paran):

HITCON CTF 2014: Crazy 500 "polyglot" writeup

This challenge required us to submit a single program that can be compiled and run as five different programming languages. The task presented us with

Just `cat flag`

$ python2 --version
Python 2.7.6
$ python3 --version
Python 3.4.0
$ gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.2-19ubuntu1) 4.8.2
$ ruby --version
ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]
$ ghc --version
The Glorious Glasgow Haskell Compilation System, version 7.6.3

and a file upload field below.

This suggested we needed to write a program that prints the file flag to stdout in all of

  • Python2;
  • Python3;
  • C;
  • Ruby;
  • Haskell

on a x86_64 machine running Linux.

SECUINSIDE CTF Quals 2014: Crypto 200 "pillow" writeup

This was another algebra-focused crypto challenge (we need more of those!). For this task, we were provided with a compiled Python client that communicates encryptedly with a server along with a packet dump of a conversation between an admin and the server.

Let’s first take a look at the actual public-key cryptosystem: Each party generates two different primes $p$ and $q$, from which the numbers $n=pq$, $\ell=(p-1)(q-1)$, and $m\;\equiv\;\ell^{-1}\mod n$ are derived. The public key is $n$. The private key consists of $\ell$ and $m$.

To encrypt a message $\mathit{plain}\in\lbrace0,\dots,n-1\rbrace$, the following steps are performed: 1. Find a random prime $r$ between $1$ and $n$. 2. Compute the ciphertext as $\mathit{cipher}=(n+1)^\mathit{plain}r^n\bmod n^2$.

(Note that $r$ is chosen as a prime to ensure that it is coprime to $n$, which implies $r^n\bmod n^2\neq 0$ and thus $\mathit{cipher}\neq 0$.)

The following property is essential for the solution:

For all $k\in\mathbb N$, \[ (n+1)^k\;\equiv\;\sum_{i=0}^k\binom kin^k\;\equiv\;nk+1\mod n^2 \text. \] In particular, this implies that $(n+1)^\mathit{plain}\;\equiv\;n\mathit{plain}+1\mod n^2$.

RuCTF Quals 2014: Crypto 500 "decrypt message" writeup

This challenge required solvers to perform a related message attack on RSA. The task description is as follows:

Two agents, Alex and Jane, have simultaneously known very secret message and transmitted it to Center. You know following:

  1. They used RSA with this (see below) public key
  2. They sent exactly the same messages except the signatures (name appended, eg. “[message]Alex”)
  3. They did encryption this way:

    c, = pubKey.encrypt(str_to_num(message), 1) # using RSA from Crypto.PublicKey
    c = num_to_str(c).encode('hex')
  4. And here are cryptograms you have intercepted:



Now tell me that secret message! (The answer for this task starts from ‘ructf_‘)

rwthctf 2013 - Bank

The service bank consisted of a binary and a redis key/value storage database.

After netcatting to the service, which was hostet on port 3270, we found out that there is an Admin account, which presumably contained our keys.

First, we tried to reverse engineer the binary but found out that this was clearly not intended:

asprintf(&ptr, "%s%s", a1, "please_dont_try_to_reverse_this_this_is_just_anti_reimplementation_stuff");

Clearly, this was a dead end so we focused on the redis server. The server configuration was rather standard, so we applied basic security measures and renamed potentially evil functions like EVAL, EVALSA and others.

Trying to figure out what was going on we opened up redis-cli and specified the unix domain socket wich was used for communication between the service and the database.

redis-cli -s /home/bank/tmp/redis.sock

Using the MONITOR debug command we quickly found out a few things:

  • Each account has got (at least) 4 Keys:
    • USERNAME_log
    • USERNAME_registered
    • USERNAME_password
    • USERNAME_balance
  • The passwords were store in clear text
  • The password of the Admin-account was qwertys – it was the same on all hosts.

BkPCTF 2013 - elbisrever (300)

After having finished the randomness solver, I decided that sleeping several hours would probably a good idea. (We’re based in Germany, where the CTF started at local time 11 pm.) When I got up again, several new reversing challenges had been published, amongst them elbisrever (it took me several hours to realize that the name is a pun btw …)

Now the standard procedure for any unknown file:

$> file randy
elbisrever: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0xa07c38b37cd6059f1eccd431d7382494bd7b5d17, stripped

Hm … statically linked might result into problems, as we won’t recognize library functions. Let’s see what IDA has to say:


BkPCTF 2013 - randy (200)

The randy binary should be the next target of interest. As it has no file name extension, we assume that it’s an executable binary for Linux. A quick lookup confirms this:

$> file randy
randy: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=0x0bb2fcccb38b0191ba3512735541461e5ffb468a, not stripped

So let’s once more give in to the temptation and just run it:

$> ./randy
Password: pass

Okay. It asks for a password and then quits on my (obviously) wrong input. Let’s ask IDA to show what is going on inside. The boring part is done by the tool:

BkPCTF 2013 - space game (250)

The binary named space game was the first of the challenges that drew my attention simply due to its file extension .nds - which is the standard file extension for Nintendo DS ROM images.

That having said, space game seemed to be a good candidate for the first blood candidate. Remembering that my actual background for reversing was originally from hacking both, Nintendo GBA and Nintendo DS systems for many years, I decided that it shouldn’t be to difficult for me to defeat it. :-)

In order to play the game, you need a suited Emulator, preferably one with a debugger included. My candidate of choice therefore was Martin Korth’s excellent (commercial) no\$gba debugger. Loading the binary in no\$gba and pressing several random keys we are presented with the following screen:
